Best Private School: Toronto Students Learn their Place in a Diverse Global Community

Best Private School: Toronto Students Learn their Place in a Diverse Global Community

Teaching a Respect for Community


During adolescence a young person's view of the world widens to embrace a global perspective. With technology so readily available, youth are exposed to many different attitudes and cultures across a diverse landscape. The best private schools in Torontohelp students understand their broadening view of society and participate in the world around them. With an understanding of how different the world can be, students will develop not only a strong education but also a sense of community on a global scale.


First in life, a student learns to participate in and contribute to his or her school. In top private schools, respect and affection for the school community becomes apparent in students' attire, in the way they behave towards one another and in how they speak about their school. Private schools usually have a clearly articulated vision of who they are and what they stand for. When families choose a school with a vision that suits their own values, it helps to ensure that they will feel a part of that school's community.


Creating Respect Among all People


Private school culture promotes a sense of respect for self and others. Small class sizes allow students to become familiar with and appreciate differing viewpoints. Intramural house systems promote friendly competition within the school community, while extra-curricular sports create friendships between teammates and carry the school's values outside of its walls. The sense of pride created within each student will be carried with them as they move into post-secondary schools and the workplace. Clubs and teams solidify bonds between students and allow individuals to learn and apply leadership skills.


The best private schools are also fully integrated into their local communities. In Toronto, students have numerous opportunities to participate in the life of the city. Most curriculums have a community service component, which encourages students to help their fellow Torontonians in a direct and experiential way. Private school students are often called upon to organize social events for the school or participate in fundraisers that not only benefit the school but community organizations within their reach. City councillors and other notable citizens may make classroom visits or address the entire student body. Courses that examine the history of the city, the province and the country further promote understanding of the community in which students live.


Teaching Tolerance, Compassion


Many of tomorrow's leaders will come from private schools and these institutions are striving to make their student population as diverse as possible. Academic courses within private schools offer opportunities for students to learn languages, world issues, world history and to study Canada's role in global affairs. This kind of attention on community is not felt with the same passion in the public-school system. Some private schools even give lectures focused on international law, politics and economics. Debate about global political and economic matters is a time-honoured private school tradition; a way to help young people comprehend and interpret the world around them.


Our children are poised to enter a world that appears more complex, more dangerous and more uncertain than ever before. Private schools are preparing students to deal with that complexity by rooting them in their own communities and by guiding them towards a well-rounded understanding of global issues. With this type of comprehensive education, students who have developed celebrating diversity and different cultures in their adolescent years are more likely to bring this learned tolerance to the workplace and their own communities as adults. The best private schools in Toronto help ensure that their students will go on to play leadership roles in the world they will inherit.

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